Of course, everyone who has eaten bananas will find this fruit favorite. But sometimes, going to the market every day and buying bananas can be tedious, especially for people like me who work from home. Unless you have a garden of your own, which I don’t have, you can grow a banana tree.
How many of you know that you can grow a banana tree without having a garden or with less space in your home? How can you grow them indoors?
Yes, you have guessed it right, I am talking about banana bonsai trees. If you want to get your hands on sweet, ripe, juicy, and healthy fruit like bananas, then trust me, this article is just for you.
In this blog, I will talk about everything you need to know from the basics, how to plant a banana bonsai, how to care for a banana bonsai, and some important tips to maintain this healthy bonsai at home. So, let’s get started!
How to plant a banana bonsai tree indoors from banana seeds?
It is quite possible to propagate bonsai banana trees with seeds indoors. Now, I will discuss the steps that you must follow while planting a banana bonsai tree indoors from banana seeds!
- First, get The best quality seeds of bananas and soak them in lukewarm water for 1-2 days, which helps to smoothen the seed coat and break the seed coat. This leads to embryo sprouting.
- Then put the sprout at ¼ inch depth in a container of at least 15 gallons, half-filled with potting mix.
- Fill the pot with the remaining compost.
- Make sure that your container has a proper drainage system.
- It is better to keep the plant outside in direct sunlight.
- Water your plant till your soil mix becomes wet.
- Now, let the seed germinate.
- The preferred temperature for germination is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This process may take 3 weeks to 3 months.
- The germination period depends on the variety of different banana species.
- After germination, slowly you can see a banana plant growing from your pot.
- Later you can place them indoors if you wish to have them indoors.
How to plant a banana bonsai tree indoors from a banana corm?
After knowing the propagation of the banana tree from seeds, now let us know how to propagate the banana tree from the corm. I have given the steps below, make sure to check them out before planting a banana bonsai tree indoors from a banana corm.
- First, wash the banana corm with warm water.
- Now, take a 15-gallon pot, preferably a shallow pot, and fill it with the best quality, well-drained soil.
- Then plant the banana corm in the soil at 3-4 inch depth. 20% of the corn should be exposed to air until the plant produces leaves.
- Supply enough water to the plant.
- You can cover the exposed corn if it’s shoots start to grow.
- It is better to place your plant outside, in the sunlight for a few weeks to help the corm to grow into a tree.
- Also, select dwarf species like dwarf red, dwarf Brazilian, Rajapuri, dwarf Cavendish, and e.t.c to make it a bonsai.
- The best time for planting banana trees is in spring, as it is the growing season for them.
How to care for a banana bonsai tree?

Now, you know how to plant a banana bonsai tree from banana seeds and banana corm. It’s time to know how to take care of a banana bonsai tree at home after planting it. There are many factors like water requirements, sunlight requirements, etc that you should consider to take care of this bonsai. Let’s check out what those factors are!
1. Water requirements for banana bonsai tree
Banana trees originate in rainforests and love to stay in humidity areas. They consume more water to keep their leaves fresh and shiny. So keep watering them regularly. Mist the leaves of the plant in summer, if you feel they are dull. Never let the soil in the pot dry. Always keep the plant hydrated.
In summer, water your bonsai banana twice a month and in winter, you should reduce watering. Because over watering may lead to root rot which is an indication of brown and mushy leaves.
2. Sunlight requirements for banana bonsai tree
Banana trees are the natives of tropical and subtropical regions. They grow well in sunlight, so place your bonsai banana tree on a table near the window that receives maximum sunlight. This bonsai needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to survive and enjoys heat, so you need not be so cautious in summer. Just water them properly and allow them to thrive in proper sunlight.
3. Temperature and Humidity requirements for banana bonsai tree
As banana trees thrive in warm and humid conditions, they do not enjoy high temperatures. Also, cold climates may damage your plant growth. We can consider 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit as the ideal temperature for the bonsai banana trees.
4. Soil requirements for banana bonsai tree
Use deep, humus, and organically rich soil for the better growth of the bonsai banana tree. Make sure that the soil is well-draining. Banana trees can not tolerate salt in the soil, so use the soil mix whose pH ranges between 6 to 7(slightly acidic). It is better to cover the soil with a layer of straw to maintain a good moisture level. But remember to check the soil before watering to avoid over-watering.
5. Fertilizing requirements for banana bonsai tree
Fertilizing your banana bonsai tree plays a crucial role in its growth. Use a balanced fertilizer regularly to encourage its growth. If it is a new plant, then use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Summer is the growing season for bananas. They need to be fed more in the growing season.
So, fertilize your bonsai banana tree regularly with soluble fertilizers or 20-20-20 fertilizers. (20% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus, and 20% potassium). It is better to fertilize your plant once a week on normal days and 2-3 times during the growing season. If you are going to feed additional nutrients for your banana bonsai, then provide them once a month.
6. Pruning requirements for banana bonsai tree

The banana bonsai tree requires pruning, every 6-8 weeks of healthy growth. Pruning helps to maintain a balanced growth in plants. Also, prune your bonsai banana tree after every harvest. Trim them to a height of 2.5 feet, it helps your plant to produce more fruits. But do not try to trim the main sucker, as it may damage the whole plant. Prune your plant before it starts fruiting, it encourages fruit growth.
7. Some common pests and diseases that can occur to a banana bonsai tree

Usually, banana bonsai trees may not have any diseases except root rot. But, some banana bonsai undergo diseases and have some problems related to pests, because of the weather conditions or lack of proper care. Some common pests that may trouble your plant growth are earwigs, snails, fruit flies, moths, aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. But do not worry, flush them with a harsh spray of water. The fungus may start to grow on some parts of the tree, avoid it by putting the plant in sunlight.
If the fungal growth is more, then try pruning the infected parts. Digging gophers can bother your plant, so avoid doing that. Some more diseases that need your attention. They are powdery mildew, leaf spot disease, and wilt. Use mild pesticides to get rid of them.
8. Potting and repotting your indoor bonsai banana trees
Use at least a 15-gallon container for planting your indoor bonsai banana tree for its optimal growth. The pot you are using should have a proper drainage system. As we discussed the soil quality, use loose and organic soil mix for this bonsai.
Potted bonsai bananas require more water and they should be fertilized often. Remember, you should repot your bonsai banana tree at least once in 3 years. Divide the other suckers from the parent tree while repotting.
Tips to maintain a bonsai banana tree indoor
Bonsai banana trees can be managed easily at home. It is a low-care bonsai. The only thing is to have some love and attention on it. But, there are some tips to avoid the risk of losing the plant. Let us know what these tips are!
1. Protect from harsh weather conditions
Although you provide enough sunlight, water, and fertilizer, sometimes you still need to protect yourself from the weather. Your banana bonsai tree should be protected from strong winds and cold weather.
For that, you need to place it in a sheltered area. Yellow foliage indicates a lack of nutrition. So, make sure you feed them regularly. It is better to remove the discolored leaves. Also, ensure that the plant is getting enough sunlight. It is better if you plant banana plants in groups to keep the moisture. It helps the plant grow as bananas grow well in a moist climate. In dry conditions, mist the leaves of the plant daily to keep the plant fresh.
2. Take care of the bonsai in winter
Leave the plant in sunlight and let the plant absorb as much as sunlight it can, in winters. It is better to keep plants in the south direction. Temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit may kill your plant, so, put the plant inside your house and let it stay in your home until the temperature rises to 57 degrees or more. At the same time maintain the moisture of the soil. Fertilize the plant, once a month.
Q1. Do banana plants need sun or light?
Ans. Banana trees need direct sunlight. If your place does not get direct sunlight, or if you are growing to place the plant indoors then, you can place it in artificial light. But, the plant must have light to survive.
Q2. Can we keep banana plants indoors?
Ans. Yes, you can keep the plant indoors, if you provide enough sunlight, water, and care. Remember, your plant may not produce fruits if you place them indoors.
Q3. Can a bonsai banana work?
Ans. Yes, we can grow bonsai banana trees. In the above article, we have discussed some dwarf banana species that are suitable for growing indoors.
Q4. How long does a bonsai banana tree live?
Ans. Bonsai bananas can live for 5-6 years, with proper care.
Q5. How often should we water banana trees?
Ans. Water the plant regularly. It needs plenty of water. Water every 2-3 days. But, do not over-water the plant.
Q6. How long does it take for a banana tree to bear fruits?
Ans. After a healthy growth of 15-20 months, banana trees produce delicious fruits.
Q7. Why do banana trees drip?
Ans. As the leaves of banana trees contain much water in them, they cannot absorb some more water. So they are dripping.
Planting bananas can be easy, whether you use seeds or corn for propagating them. Also caring for bonsai banana trees is an easy task if you follow the steps and tips that I have given in this article properly. Banana bonsai trees not only give fruits but can also enhance the look of your home. Your attention to them will help the plant to get rid of troubling diseases. Growing a bonsai and getting the results, you will need a lot of patience. Whatever may be the plant, it needs our love and care to survive in our home garden.
I would love to hear from you. Did you like this article? Do you have any questions in your mind related to the lovely banana bonsai tree? Do you own this bonsai at your home and do you have any tips to share? Let me know what you liked about the banana bonsai tree the most. Yes, we learn best as a community and so, please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section down below. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends, family, and social media!
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