Do you love a lovely, dramatic, and vine-like characteristic bonsai tree?
Then worry not, we bring to you the Wisteria bonsai tree which is very surreal in appearance and one of the most beautiful flowering trees in the world that can be made into a bonsai.
Here, in this article, you will get to know everything from the types of Wisteria, how to grow and care as a bonsai, how to propagate and some interesting facts too. So, let’s not make you wait longer, and let’s begin straight away!
Some Interesting Facts Of Wisteria Bonsai Plants That You Must Know!

Wisteria is one of the most beautiful flowering trees that can be made into a bonsai and is commonly found in the United States, China, and Japan. It can be maintained at home easily if you are aware of your plant’s needs. You should be attentive and provide sufficient care for the Wisteria for its healthy growth and to make it bloom.
Wisteria has vine-like tendencies and grows rapidly in the growing season. It has a thick woody trunk with smooth and dark bark that makes the tree look even more beautiful. The branches of it are often curve-shaped and produce dark green leaves and veiling flowers at their tips. The leaves of Wisteria are oval-shaped and have little sharp edges. These leaves are glossy and opposite to each other. We cannot notice the veins until we stand near the tree. The intensity of the color of the leaves depends on the variety of Wisteria.
Wisterias produce dropping veils of flowers that are fragrant and eye-catchy. Depending on the species, its flowers are blue, purple, and white and we observe purple color flowering Wisterias. The blooms are small in size with tiny petals that grow close to each other. We can observe the flowering in the late spring. Also, this bonsai produces pods that contain seeds and these pods and seeds have poisonous characteristics. So, keep the plant out of reach from children.
Growing a Wisteria bonsai tree is a little tough as it needs a lot of care and attention. In this article, we will learn some more about this bonsai and how to care for the plant. Let us first check out the interesting facts about this bonsai:
- It has toxic characteristics.
- The wisterias that grow from the seeds take decades to flower.
- The Wisteria that has grown from seeds may not represent the mother tree.
- Wisteria bonsai trees symbolize humility and prayer.
- Many buddha followers grow these Wisterias.
- It also signifies objection to passion and worldly relations.
Different Types of Wisteria
The Wisteria genus has many varieties. There are more than 10 types of Wisterias available all over the world. We have mentioned only the most popular ones which are given below:
1. Chinese Wisteria Bonsai Tree (Wisteria Sinensis)

Wisteria Sinensis is one of the most popular species of Wisteria. It is often made into a bonsai. It grows beautifully with bluish-purple flowers. Mostly, it flowers between May to June. It has small clusters of blooms.
2. Japanese Wisteria bonsai tree (Wisteria Floribunda)
Japanese bonsai is another famous bonsai, it is also called the white Wisteria bonsai. Wisteria can be seen mostly in the homes of bonsai lovers. The clusters of the blooms are longer when compared to other species of Wisteria. It grows rapidly, so prune it regularly. The flowers of it are generally two types, one is bluish-purple and the other is reddish-purple.
3. Dwarf Wisteria bonsai

The Amethyst Falls is a dwarf species of the Wisteria that is commonly seen in Asian countries. They may be weaker when compared with the other species but they too produce beautiful blooms and produce blooms faster than any other species. This bonsai starts blooming in just a year and the flowers are purple. The size of the flowers and leaves is smaller than the other species. These Wisteria species can be maintained and controlled easily.
How to propagate Wisteria bonsai?

Wisteria can be propagated in two ways. You can use seeds from the pods to propagate wisteria and you can also use cuttings of the wisteria for propagation. Propagating the Wisteria plant using the cuttings is easy when compared to propagation through seeds. Let us know both pods.
1. Propagation of Wisteria through seeds
If you are going to propagate Wisteria from seeds, then here are some interesting things you need to know:
- If you propagate a Wisteria plant through the seeds, it may take 1-2 decades for it to bloom.
- A Wisteria plant that is grown by the seeds, may not resemble its parent Wisteria.
- If the seed pots of a Wisteria are fuzzy then the parent of it belongs to Asia. If the pods are smooth then they are collected by a Wisteria which belongs to North America.
Process of propagation
Propagation of Wisteria through seeds is very easy. First of all, the seeds should be germinated. The roots that grow out of the seeds clarify that they are capable of producing the plant.
- Collect the seed pods of Wisteria in the early Autumn. Because it is the time for the tree to lose its leaves. Also, pots should be gathered before the leaf falls.
- Check whether the seeds are dry inside or not. Shake the pod, if it makes a little sound then the seeds are ready to be propagated.
- Gently twist the pod and the seeds you get from it should be soaked in water for germination.
- It also helps to break the seed coat.
- Now, fill a pot or a container that has a proper drainage system with a seedling mixture.
- Put the seeds on the mixture and apply a thin layer of the same mixture on top of it.
- Water it and place it in a sunny spot.
- Maintain the moisture level of the soil. It needs a lot of water to grow and should not be so wet.
- It will take some time to grow. If you observe the seedlings then repot them to a shallow bonsai container.
2. Propagation of Wisteria through stem cutting
If you are going to propagate the Wisteria plant through the cuttings then, you can collect them from the pruning waste or you can plan some cuts, especially for propagation.
- Spring or early summer is the best time to collect the cuttings.
- Select a young stem that should be in green color and should not be woody. It should have at least 2 leaf sets and at a height of 3-6 inches.
- Gently, make your cut using a sharp blade.
- Remove the leaves from the lower part of the cutting.
- Dip that lower part in the rooting hormone.
- Now, take a pot with the best quality soil mix and make a hole in it to place the cutting and place it with soil.
- It needs more humidity to grow faster. Cover the plant with a plastic container or wrap the plant with a plastic bag. This helps in maintaining the humidity levels. Also, make sure that the plastic is not in contact with the cutting.
- Let the plant get bright indirect sunlight to encourage growth.
- It develops a root system in 4-6 weeks.
Toxicity Of Wisteria Bonsai Plants
Although Wisteria looks very beautiful, it has some toxic characteristics. Every part of the Wisteria is toxic and it should not be ingested. The seed pods and the seeds are extremely dangerous. Seek the help of a doctor in case of ingestion. Keep your pets and children out of reach. If it is ingested accidentally, the symptoms will be a stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth itching, nausea, and unconsciousness.
Size Of Wisteria Bonsai Plants
Normally, a Wisteria bonsai tree is at a height of 1-2 feet. It can grow up to 18 inches. Prune your plant to maintain the desired shape.
How do I grow and care for Wisteria?
Growing Wisteria at home is very rewarding. Although it needs more attention, you just need to follow normal bonsai care tips for growing your Wisteria bonsai tree.
With the normal care tips, you have to keep two things in mind which are often ignored in the case of other bonsai trees but should not be neglected in the case of Wisteria as it grows faster. The most important thing to remember while growing a Wisteria bonsai tree is to prune once a year after it completes blooming so that it will not disturb the blooming plant. Also, this bonsai needs regular repotting as it grows rapidly. Let us now learn how you should take care of the Wisteria bonsai tree.
1. Sunlight requirements of Wisteria bonsai tree
Wisterias need to be placed in direct sunlight. It is better to keep it in your garden to get full sunlight. But if you want to keep it indoors then it is fine but you need to provide direct sunlight. So, the south-facing windowsill is the better place for a Wisteria bonsai plant. Although it looks delicate, it can tolerate strong winds. In winters, it is better to take it outdoors and let it absorb some sunlight.
Do not leave it outdoors in the nights of winter. Because the roots underground cannot be affected by the low temperatures. But the roots of Wisteria bonsai which are planted in a pot get damaged by the freezing winds. You can use plant lights in the falls.
2. Water requirements of Wisteria bonsai tree
Wisteria needs a lot of water to survive, especially in the growing season, it needs a lot of water to thrive. Watering in the growing season makes the Wisteria bonsai bloom. As it needs to be in full sun, it dries quickly. So, provide enough water if you place it indoors. Also, overwatering may lead to root rot. So, the best method to water your Wisteria is to fill a container with water and place the Wisteria pot in it. It allows the soil to absorb water through the drainage holes.
Regular watering concerning your environmental conditions helps in healthy growth. Do not use direct tap water for watering it because it may contain chlorine. Rainwater suits the best for wisteria which likes to stay in a little acidic nature. You can also try leaving a jug of tap water for hours to set out the chlorine before watering.
3. Misting requirements of Wisteria bonsai tree
Mist the plant regularly. If you live in a dry environment, then try using a humidity tray.
4. Temperature and humidity requirements of Wisteria bonsai tree
Wisterias love to stay in little high temperatures. It does not like to freeze out either, it does not enjoy being in a very hot climate. The ideal temperature for the Wisteria bonsai plant is above 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Soil mix requirements for planting Wisteria bonsai tree
Use a quality soil mix or bonsai mix to plant the Wisteria. It should be well-drained and should be slightly acidic. The soil should be 5.5 to 6.
6. Fertilization requirements of Wisteria bonsai tree
Wisteria bonsai needs fertilization for optimal growth. The soil in the pot becomes infertile after some months; it slows down the performance of the plant due to a lack of nutrients. These plants respond to the feedings. Regular fertilization helps in the plant’s growth and encourages its blooming. Fertilizing your wisteria should be the same during the blooming season as well as the normal days.
It can be fertilized with both solid and liquid fertilizers. If you use a liquid fertilizer, feed your plant once a week. Follow the instructions that are given on the package, before you fertilize your plant. Also, solid or organic fertilizers are used to feed once a week. Banana peels are good for feeding Wisteria because they are rich in phosphorus, calcium, and potassium which encourages the plant’s growth. Also, banana peels have low nitrogen content.
Avoid using fertilizers with high nitrogen levels. Wisteria plants can absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere. Excess nitrogen results in the growth of large leaves and reduce blooming.
7. Pruning Wisteria bonsai tree
Pruning plays a crucial role in caring for bonsai trees. It helps to maintain the desired shape of the bonsai and also helps to increase the growth of new shoots. In the case of the Wisteria bonsai tree, it is not recommended to prune heavily. It may worsen the growth of Wisteria.
Prune your plant only in the growing season, as it helps the plant to produce new shoots and flowers. In the growing season that is spring and summer, they produce more leaves that cover the inner branches.
So, trimming the outer leaves helps the inner stem get enough sunlight. Later, repeat the pruning process in the autumn.
Also, use sharp gardening equipment to prune Wisteria bonsai trees. Avoid crushing the branches while pruning as it leads to the growth of fungus in the area.
Firstly prune the leaves and then the small stems and if required strong branches. You can start wiring your Wisteria bonsai at this stage or you can simply leave it like that. Keep in mind that flowers grow at new shoots, so avoid cutting them. You can prune the old stems. Roots can be gently trimmed up to ⅓ of their growth while repotting.
8. Wiring Wisteria bonsai tree
Wiring helps to achieve desired shapes of your bonsai tree. Before you start wiring your bonsai Wisteria, you need to determine your tree. If you are going to wire a young Wisteria, then try anodized aluminum wires to wind, and if yours is a matured old Wisteria then use annealed copper wire for training your bonsai.
Wiring should be done soon after pruning in autumn when it completes blooming. Gently wind the wires and avoid winding too tight they may cause wounds. After training, gently cut them with pliers. Do not rewind it. After wiring, do not keep this bonsai in direct sunlight.
9. Potting and Repotting requirements of wisteria bonsai tree
Select a deep and shallow pot for planting your bonsai. It can hold a lot of water and it should have a proper drainage system. If you use a large pot then make sure that it has at least 3-4 drainage holes.
Repot your bonsai and change the old soil mix. Because generally in containers, the small amount of soil holds very less nutrients and that becomes futile after some years. So, repotting and filling the fresh soil helps the plant to thrive. Trim the roots which have occupied the soil and make some space for the new growth of roots.
10. Common pests and diseases of wisteria bonsai tree
Some common diseases that might occur to your wisteria bonsai are given below. Check it out!
Root rot
If you overwatered your plant, the roots get damaged. They do not like sitting in the water for a long time and the waterlogged soil may lead to rotten roots that will affect the survival of the plant. It also results in leaf-fall
Dryness and leaf-drop
Wisteria bonsai trees also do not like being dried. They need rough water to survive. If you ignore watering your bonsai, that will result in dryness of the foliage which turns yellow and finally leads to leaf-drop. Underwatering may kill your plant.
Although this bonsai can resist some pests, fungal growth can be observed in the Wisterias. Fungus-like leaf spots and powdery mildew may cause some disturbance to its healthy growth. Avoid them by providing the plant with proper care. Keep the plant outdoors for a while to let it observe the full sun and pause watering it until it recovers. Use fungicides to avoid it. If it is not recovered then it may be telling you that the root has rotten and so be attentive to it.
Q1. How long does a wisteria plant take to grow from seeds?
Ans. It depends on the environmental conditions Wisterias like warm conditions to live in. So, the growth differs from area to area. A Wisteria that has grown from seed takes 10-15 years to bloom.
Q2. When will a Wisteria bloom?
Ans. Wisteria generally blooms in the growing season which is between the early spring and the late summer.
Q3. Are wisteria trees poisonous?
Ans. Yes, Wisteria plants have some poisonous characteristics. The parts of the Wisteria should not be ingested, because every part of the plant is poisonous. In particular, the pods and the seeds should not be touched. Keep your plant out of reach of children and your pets.
Q4. Is Wisteria bonsai hard to maintain?
Ans. While compared with some other bonsai trees, it is a little difficult to maintain Wisteria bonsai at home. It demands proper care and attention. Also, it is poisonous too. But it produces beautiful fragrant flowers that make us feel “it is worth our effort”.
Q5. What does Wisteria smell like?
Ans. Depending on the species, different Wisterias smell differently. Some may smell musky and the others may smell sweet. But, every Wisteria produces a good smell.
Q6. What is the lifespan of a Wisteria bonsai tree?
Ans. With proper care, a Wisteria bonsai can live more than 50 years.
Q7. Should I cut the dried flowers of Wisteria?
Ans. Yes, you should cut the dried flowers of the Wisteria bonsai tree. It helps to increase the flowering period.
Q8. Can I touch Wisteria?
Ans. Wisteria shows toxic effects if consumed. Touching Wisteria trees may not be dangerous. But be careful, and do not consume it.
Q9. When should I plant Wisteria?
Ans. Planting should be done between October and April.
Q10. Does Wisteria need full sun?
Ans. Yes, it needs direct sunlight to thrive. But it can also be placed on a windowsill and rotating the pot makes the plant get sunlight to all the parts.
Q11. How should I save my Wisteria from root rot?
Ans. Wisteria can be bothered by root rotting. To prevent your plant from root rotting, water enough of your plant and provide enough sunlight. Be attentive to its needs. To cure Wisteria from root rot, gently remove it from the old soil and trim all the affected parts then repot it with suitable soil and do not water it until it stops showing the symptoms of root rot. Place it in a sunny location.
Wisterias are one of the most beautiful bonsai trees, among the flowering bonsai trees across the world. You can rarely find plants that produce beautiful blooms like Wisteria. The beautiful droopy flowers grab the attention of the visitors to your home. Its beauty can be maintained with our love, care, and attention. Sunlight, water pruning, shaping, and nutrition help the plant to live longer and healthier.
Your understanding of the plant’s needs will help you maintain the plant easily. It is a delicate plant, so handle it with care. Growing a wisteria bonsai at home is a very beautiful experience. So, get one for growing at your home.
We hope this article gives all the information you need for growing a wisteria bonsai at home. If you have any questions in your mind, please feel free to comment down below and also don’t forget to share this post with your friends, and family!
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