Ficus Green Island Bonsai Tree: How To Grow And Care!

Ficus green island bonsai has a very interesting history over China, Japan to all over Europe and the United States.

This type of tree is one of my favorite bonsai because cultivating this miniature tree is a thousand years old tradition. It’s smooth and gray bark gives an exquisite appearance to my home. If you are planning to bring this unique and exquisite bonsai to your home, then I assure you that you made the right choice. 

Now, you need to know why this bonsai is so important for a thousand years, how to grow and take care of this plant and how to propagate it in your home easily. So, let’s not make you wait further, and delve deeper into the article!

About Ficus Green Island Bonsai Tree

Ficus green island is commonly called “ficus microcarpa”, which is a member of the fig family. It is also called the Ficus Nana plant. These ficus plants are natives of tropical and subtropical regions and have a smooth and gray bark. These trees have massive and glossy foliage that makes them eye-catchy. 

Japanese often make these types of huge trees as bonsai, as they are suitable for making miniature bonsai trees. These types of bonsai generally grow at low elevations. They can tolerate up to 45 degrees Fahrenheit, thus they become suitable for growing at home. Most of the plant lovers like me and my neighbors have these bonsai trees at home. Also, pruning and shaping the ficus microcarpa is very easy. All you need is some patience because it grows slowly.

Propagation Of Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Propagation of green island ficus can be done with root division. 

Ficus roots spread fast in the soil and we can observe the growth in the plant. Separate the new roots of a healthy and matured plant and plant them in a new pot.

Cut a healthy stem from a matured plant and apply root hormone at the end and plant it in the soil mix. It may take a few weeks to develop the roots. Keep watering until it starts to grow. Also, you can grow them with seeds. 

I have mentioned some steps below that you must take into account before propagating ficus green island bonsai:

1. Size And Growth Of Ficus Green Island

Ficus green island can achieve a height of up to 20 feet tall and can give immeasurable shade in their native places. Some varieties reach up to 8 feet. But many of these types are often pruned to make a bonsai as they are suitable and look good for your home.

2. Flowering In Green Island Ficus Bonsai

Ficus green island bonsai flowers a lot, but in very rare conditions. We can see them flowering, only if we provide proper care and a favorable environment. Even then, they hardly flower. They may flower if you leave them outside without pruning(not converting them into bonsai).

3. How To Grow And Care For Ficus Green Island Bonsai?

Ficus green island bonsai is a low-care and slow-growing plant. Planting this type of tree will not make you stress while maintaining it. But you should follow some care tips to prevent some common problems troubling your bonsai.

4. Sunlight Requirements For Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Ficus green island plants thrive in direct sunlight. They originate in tropical areas, so they can tolerate high sunlight conditions. Also, they must be provided at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. If you keep them indoors it is better to place these trees on a windowsill. Also, make sure you take them for outdoor trips in their growing season. Furthermore, these types of trees can also be grown in low light conditions with plant lights but it is better to give them sunlight. Keep them on a windowsill that is south-faced. In summers, avoid leaving them in the hot sun during afternoons.

5. Watering Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Being a beginner-friendly bonsai, it can tolerate both over-watering and under-watering for a while. But giving them proper care which involves watering the bonsai ficus green island before the soil completely dries up. 

Watering should be done once in 2-10 days. The frequency of watering depends on the weather conditions. The best rule for watering is to dip your finger into the soil at 1-inch depth and then check the moisture of the soil. If it is wet then do not water it, and if it is a little dry, then water it. Watering your bonsai with cold water may lead to thermal shock to your plant. Collect the tap water in a container and let it adjust to room temperature, before watering. Furthermore, water your bonsai ficus green island till the water expels out of the drainage holes.

6. Misting Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Mist your ficus green island bonsai daily, as it loves being misted. In summers you can mist them twice, depending on the climate. Never leave your bonsai in dry surroundings. 

Also, misting it makes the foliage look fresh and green. Avoid misting them very often, as it may lead to the growth of mold on the foliage. Make sure that the leaves dry before misting.

7. Soil Mix For Ficus Green Island Bonsai

It is okay to use normal household soil mix for planting your green island ficus bonsai tree. Make sure the pot is well-draining. As this tree is a low-care bonsai, it does not need special soil mixtures to grow healthy. 

Also, it grows well in any conditions if you care for it properly. It is better to add organic matter to the soil mix as it boosts growth. Always use a well-drained soil mix and fertilize it regularly, to maintain the healthy growth of your bonsai.

8. Fertilizing Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Generally, bonsai are planted in small containers or pots. The soil loses its nutrients when the bonsai grows well and for a longer period. The soil will need extra nutrients to support bonsai growth. 

Often repotting is not a good idea. So, you can fertilize the soil to improve the nutrients. Fertilizing plays a crucial role in caring for your bonsai. You can use either a chemical or organic fertilizer to fertilize your plant. Regular feeding makes your ficus green island bonsai grow fast and healthy. 

If you worry about how often your bonsai should be fertilized, then it depends on the type of fertilizer you are using and the environment you are living in. If you use a liquid fertilizer, then dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply it every 2 weeks in the growing season which is in summer. In the winter season, fertilize your bonsai every 4-6 weeks. If you use slow-release pellet fertilizer, then use it once a month during summer and once in 2 months during winter.

9. Pruning Ficus Green Island Bonsai

Bonsai trees should be pruned often to maintain their height and strengthen their trunk. Pruning also helps in the growth of the bonsai. Your ficus green island bonsai can be pruned throughout the year. But, the best time for pruning your ficus green island bonsai is the end of spring and the beginning of summer. During this period, your bonsai produces a white sap that helps to recover from the cuts and avoids fungal growth in those affected areas. 

Prune out the extra leaves and stems that grow rapidly and disturbs the shape of your bonsai. If you are going to prune the foliage, then cut ½  of the new growth. 

Wiring is not recommended in the case of ficus microcarpa, as it grows rapidly and wiring may cause damage to the growing trunk. If you still want to wire your bonsai to get the desired shape, then wind the wire loosely. Also, make sure that you use only sharp pruning equipment and avoid crushing the stems during pruning.

10. Temperature And Humidity

Ficus green island bonsai tends to be in warm humid conditions and so, it is better to keep your plant indoors. As it is a tropical plant it can survive in high temperatures. But, they need to be misted and watered thoroughly. This tree loves to stay in humid conditions. You can use a humidity tray to maintain the humidity levels. If you cannot maintain the humidity tray, then keep misting it daily and increase the frequency in dry conditions. 

Humidity helps in the aerial root growth that makes your bonsai look super-cool. The suitable temperature for a ficus green island bonsai is 59-86 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not leave your bonsai outdoors at night in the cool winter. Leaving your bonsai in temperatures below 45-59 degrees Fahrenheit may lead to its death.

11. Potting And Repotting

Use a shallow and wide pot to plant your bonsai. Shallow pots allow the bonsai to show its aerial root growth. Fill the pot with the suitable soil mix and plant your ficus green island. 

If you are planning to repot, I will advise you to fertilize, water, and prune your bonsai from time to time to improve the growth of your bonsai. Repot your bonsai green island ficus after every 2-5 years depending on the condition of your bonsai.

12. Pests And Diseases

Like all other plants and bonsai, green island ficus also suffers from some pests and diseases.

  • Over-watering your bonsai will lead to root rot and the growth of mold on different parts of the plant. Even under-watering will bother your plant by falling foliage and discoloration.
  • Mealy bugs: This is the process of growing cotton-like insects that form groups on the stems and branches. They can be observed after watering. These insects can also cause discoloration of leaves. Spray neem oil on the insects to avoid them. You can also use chemical insecticides or soap to get rid of them. 
  • Centipedes: Centipedes affect the roots of your bonsai. It is better to repot and use sterile soil mix to fill the well-cleaned or sanitized pot, to avoid them. These insects are usually brown with a lot of legs.
  • Scale: A disease where small bulbs which are in black or white color grow on the stems of your bonsai. These can be avoided by spraying pesticides.
  • Anthracnose: It is a disease that affects the leaves of your bonsai. Leaves start to discolor in the edges and then the whole leaf will become yellow. After some days, the leaves will become brown and finally fall off. It is due to the fungal growth in the plant. So, use fungicides to avoid them.

Caring for your bonsai green island ficus involves spraying the pesticides every 7-10 days in the rainy season. Remove all the dead and infected leaves regularly if you notice them.

Uses And Benefits Of Growing Ficus Green Island Bonsai Tree

Because of the benefits and uses provided by this bonsai tree, people from all over the world have cultivated this tree in their homes for thousands of years. It’s like a tradition in many countries. So, let’s check out those benefits and uses which you can get from this bonai:

  • It improves the air quality in your home.
  • It spreads positivity.
  • It also has medicinal characteristics. Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and also Malaysians use ficus microcarpa to treat some diseases. The Japanese use its dead leaves, bark, and aerial roots to treat fever and pain. Chinese believe that the plant cures bronchitis, flu, and malaria.
  • Ficus green island bonsai acts as antioxidants, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, and anticarcinogenic agents.
  • Buddhists and Taoists believe that these trees are devotional, spiritual and bring positivity to your home. Thus, they help in maintaining peace in your home.


Q1. Does ficus green island bonsai get white fly?

No, they do not get affected by white flies.

Q2. Can we keep ficus green island bonsai outdoors?

Yes, you can keep your bonsai outdoors until the temperature falls below 45 degrees. If it goes down then bring it inside. 

Q3. Does ficus green island flower?

Yes, ficus green island bonsai rarely flowers. We can observe it when it grows in favorable conditions.

Q4. Why are my ficus green island bonsai leaves falling off?

Change in the climate may be a reason for the leaf fall. Sometimes under-watering may cause leaf drops. Also, fungal growth causes leaf drops. So, make sure to care for your plant and avoid leaf falls.

Q5. What is the lifespan of ficus green island bonsai trees?

They are perennial. You can grow them for many years with proper care.

Q6. How often should I water my green island ficus bonsai tree?

Water it once in 2 weeks in the summer and once a month during winter.

Q7. What kind of fertilizer should I use for my ficus green island bonsai tree?

It is better to use organic fertilizer, but you can also use chemical fertilizer.

Q8. Does the ficus green island bonsai tree need direct sunlight?

Yes, ficus green island bonsai trees need 4-6 hours of direct sunlight.

Q9. Should I keep my green island ficus bonsai tree indoors?

You can keep your bonsai ficus green island both outdoors and indoors. In winters you should bring your bonsai indoors and avoid leaving at a temperature below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q10. What kind of soil should I prefer to fill my pot of ficus green island bonsai?

There is no preferred soil mix to plant your ficus green island bonsai tree. A normal household soil mix is enough for planting your bonsai. Make sure you fertilize it, whenever it is needed.


Now you know that Ficus green island bonsai is a low-care and beginner-friendly bonsai that will not trouble you much. It can be grown anywhere for many years if you take proper care of it. This bonsai tree can spruce up your workplace or your home, with its bushy leaves and can make you feel happy to have it in your home or office. 

Also, remember, every plant needs your love and care. So, show some care and keep loving your Ficus Green Island Bonsai tree. 

I hope you like this article, and if I missed any information to include in this article, please make sure to comment that info in the comment section down below!

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