Why Is My Ficus Bonsai Losing Leaves?

Are you concerned about why your ficus bonsai is losing leaves suddenly? What can you do to revive this plant? Are there any chances to grow back the leaves of this plant? What can you do to fix your bonsai plant?

We know you must be having these questions on your mind, but unfortunately we get a lot of these cries very often from our customers. The causes for dropping leaves are many, do not worry our bonsai lovers, we are here to investigate all the causes why your ficus bonsai leaves are dropping and we will state all the solutions to fix your bonsai issues.  

Before starting the reasons why your ficus bonsai leaves are dropping, let’s start with why ficus bonsai is important!

About Ficus Bonsai Tree

Ficus bonsai is among one of the most popular houseplants. They are easy to grow and nurture. They require lots of sunlight and water and can survive in low humidity. Ficus bonsai are found in several varieties like Ficus Ginseng Bonsai, Ficus Benjamina, Ficus Carica, Willow Leaf Ficus, and many other species. They are primarily found in Southeast Asian countries. 

Furthermore, they have waxy and broad leaves, which help them to survive a long time. Also, they do not require much care compared to other bonsai species. If you are a beginner to start with a bonsai, choosing ficus bonsai is the perfect option. This bonsai can be easily shaped and wired during their early growth. But always be careful to provide amenities in a limited amount to avoid any damage to the plant.  

Reasons For Losing Ficus Bonsai Leaves!

Every bonsai tends to shed leaves after a certain period. If you do not provide the bonsai with the proper nutrients and its requirements, it can lead to the shedding of leaves. If you pluck or remove some leaves the wrong way, it can lead to the loss of leaves. There are many more options on how leaves can shed their leaves. 

Some of the reasons why the ficus bonsai starts to lose leaves are given below:

1. Improper watering the ficus bonsai


Watering the bonsai is very important. You have to always keep the soil of the ficus bonsai moist to provide it with the correct nutrients. But do you know that the bonsai can suffer from water stress? We all know that every plant requires water but do you know how much it needs? Well, this issue can lead you to make many mistakes.

Before buying a bonsai, always try to learn about its requirements and care. Every plant needs only a certain amount of water and if given in excess or low quantity, issues can occur to the plant. The most common problem that a ficus bonsai might suffer is by overwatering. Overwatering causes the plant to root rot, and this in turn makes the plant lose its leaves. To avoid issues, lower the water quantity and change the plant into good quality soil. 

Another way, this plant can lose its leaves is by underwatering. Underwatering causes the topsoil of the bonsai to completely dry out and the plant loses its leaves. If you let that happen to your plant, then there is a chance that the plant might drip up and die. To avoid this, you need to soak the bonsai container in a tub for at least an hour and rehydrate it. Also, make sure that your plant has an excellent drainage system so that no other problems are initiated.

2. Giving poor light to the ficus bonsai

Another reason for the ficus bonsai to lose its leaves is by providing poor access to light. This is a serious issue for most indoor plants. A ficus bonsai tree receiving less light will appear to be spindly and sparse, and the growing leaves might look pale or even white. Hence, to avoid this, place your bonsai in a suitable location with lots of light.

3. Environmental changes occuring for ficus bonsai

A plant takes at least a few weeks or months to adapt to a new area. Any change in the environment will impact the bonsai greatly since it survives through natural resources. Especially indoor ficus bonsai needs an environment with a stable temperature and humidity. You have to maintain a temperature of around 15 to 18 degrees Celsius throughout the year for the ficus bonsai. 

Environmental changes are one of the most common causes of the dropping of the ficus leaves. It is seen that during every seasonal change, it tends to lose its leaves. Any change in humidity and temperature leads the leaves to turn yellow and slowly drop after a point. 

Now to avoid this condition, you have to find a suitable environment for the bonsai to grow from the start, so that you do not have to change its position or location continuously. Try to keep focus bonsai away from air conditioners, heaters, drafty doors and windows. During winters, you can use a humidifier to prevent any dry air around the bonsai. It is better not to move the plant, once it starts growing.

4. Pests occurring to ficus bonsai

Every plant owner has to deal with the insect problem every year around their house. Pests usually attack your bonsai if you are not taking the proper care of the plant. They can cause a lot of damage for the growing bonsai. Also, they are one of the many reasons for the dropping of ficus leaves. These pests eat up the leaves leading them to fall off the bonsai. To identify that your plant is affected by any insects, see if there is any sticky or liquid-like substance dripping off them. You can avoid this issue by applying neem oil thoroughly to the plant.


5. Inaccurate fertilization of the ficus bonsai

Bonsai plants need fertilization to get the nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, which are not mostly available in the soil. Fertilization helps with the growth and maintains the health of the plant. But inaccurate fertilization can also harm the leaf and the plant, like mostly seen in ficus bonsai plants. Feeding too many minerals, results in the leaves falling off the plant after a certain point. To avoid this situation, you simply measure the pH level of the soil and accordingly use the right amount of the fertilizer.

6. Fungus occurring to ficus bonsai

Fungus on leaves is noticeable when it turns yellow or brown spots occur on it. Ficus bonsai are commonly affected by these funguses resulting in falling off the leaves. To cure or avoid this situation, simply use fungicide on the ficus bonsai leaves.

How To Prevent Leaves From Falling Off A Ficus Bonsai Tree?

From the above-mentioned factors, we have understood why the ficus bonsai loses leaves. But do you know what to do to avoid it? Do you know what processes are required so that the issues can be fixed quickly and easily? 

No right and that is why we have listed below about some steps that will help you understand how you can control this problem. 

Step 1: Take a sharp shear to remove any dead leaves which have dried up or have turned yellow or are about to fall off.

Step 2: Then, check the branches of the bonsai to which the leaves are attached. Make sure that they are healthy and green. Also, check that the growing leaves are facing any problems or not due to the branches. If you find the branch dried up or unhealthy, do not worry as correct care can revert that situation.

Step 3: Next, you have to check the root system. Look if any dead or wilted roots have to be removed to ensure better growth of the plant. Roots play the most important role in the growth of a bonsai because roots are the reason that the plants receive the required nutrients. 

This process of checking the roots can also be done during repotting. But if the plant is facing many problems, then check it beforehand to control it.

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Step 4: Once the roots are checked thoroughly, then place the bonsai in another container filled with water. Leave it there until you have cleaned and prepared a new soil mixture for the ficus bonsai. This method should be done to provide the plant with the essential minerals to grow.

Step 5: The next step you should do is to clean the pot in which the bonsai was kept. Use warm water and mild detergent. Wash the container properly till no single particle is left behind. Along with this process, also prepare a new soil mixture for the pot. It will help the plant to access more nutrients throughout its composition and make them healthy. This process will further prevent any leaves from falling off. 

Step 6: Then choose a good location to keep the plant in because lack of sunlight results in dropping of the leaves. So, to avoid such a situation, keep the bonsai near the window with an ample amount of sunlight which will help them in their growth. But also ensure, not to overdo it which will cause further problems later.

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Step 7: The final step is to properly water the ficus bonsai. One of the main reasons for losing the leaves is underwatering. So, remember to water the ficus bonsai regularly and also when the soil dries up. It will keep the bonsai healthy and sufficient. After finishing all the steps that we have mentioned, you should leave the plant to rest for a certain time and let it recover nicely. This complete process will help you to save the leaves of the ficus bonsai plant.


We hope that all of your doubts are now answered, and most importantly the shredding leaves of your miniature bonsai plant.

Every plant is like a child, which requires the perfect attention and care. Without it, the plant will turn weak and slowly pass away. Hence, always be attentive towards your plant. 

Hope this article helped you and if you have more questions about this ficus bonsai plant, drop them in the comment section down below!

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