How To Grow And Care For Ginseng Ficus Bonsai!

“Our brains are like bonsai trees, growing around our private versions of reality” – Sloane Crosley.

Planning to bring home a bonsai? Are you confused about which one to bring home? Are you planning for Ginseng Ficus bonsai? 

I am damn happy when you choose this option. Because in this article, I am going to tell you about everything you need to know, how to grow and care for a ginseng ficus bonsai tree! So, let’s dive deeper and discuss it right away!

First, let us know about the importance of this bonsai tree.

About Ginseng Ficus Bonsai Tree

Ficus Retusa which is commonly called Ginseng Ficus is one of the varieties of ficus trees, which are indeed fig trees. These are natives of Southeast Asia. These are also called “Taiwan Ficus” and “laurel fig”. This type of tree grabs our attention with the string aerial roots and narrow elevated leaves which require minimal care and is beginner-friendly. It is better to start with a ginseng ficus if you are a beginner to grow bonsai in your home.

Are you planning to propagate a ginseng ficus bonsai tree? Then let us dive deeper below where I will discuss the several ways to propagate this tree.

How to propagate a Ginseng Ficus Bonsai?

There are many ways to propagate a ginseng ficus bonsai which I have mentioned below:

1. Propagating through seeds

Soak the seeds of Ginseng ficus in lukewarm water. Let the sprouts come out first. Now, gently place the sprouts in the soil mix, at an inch deep. And then cover them with a layer of straw to maintain humidity. It takes a lot of time depending on the environment to see the plant.

2. Propagating through cuttings

Cut the stem of the ginseng ficus tree and deadhead it, then let it dry for a week, and then place it in the soil mix. It will start growing in a few weeks. 

3. Propagating through grafting: 

This type of tree can be also propagated through the division of roots. While repotting your old bonsai, prune healthy and matured stems with the roots and then put them in another pot.

Now, you know the importance of this bonsai tree and how to propagate it. Next, I will discuss how to grow and care for ginseng ficus bonsai trees.

How to grow and care for Ginseng Ficus bonsai?

Caring for a ginseng ficus bonsai is very simple if you follow the steps below that I have mentioned:

1. Watering the Ginseng Ficus bonsai

Never leave the soil of the bonsai dry completely. Ginseng ficus bonsai trees need plenty of water to grow. But do not over-water it. Use a moisture meter to know your plant needs. It should be watered frequently in warm conditions, like spring or summer. You can reduce the water in winter and fall.

2. Misting the Ginseng Ficus bonsai

Your tree enjoys misting, so make a habit of misting your ginseng ficus bonsai tree daily. You don’t need to mist it too frequently in a day. Misting once in winter and twice in summer is enough for maintaining moisture.

3. Sunlight requirements of Ginseng Ficus bonsai

Ginseng ficus bonsai needs a good amount of light. The best place to keep it is on a south-facing windowsill. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight for long hours in summer. Exposure to the hot sun in the summer may lead to spots on the foliage. Make sure that the plant is left to sunlight for 4-6 hours daily.

4. Soil mix for Ginseng Ficus bonsai

The best soil mix required for this ginseng ficus bonsai tree is a mixture of normal compost and organic matter in a 3:2 ratio. It is better to use the same type of organic matter in the soil mix for repotting. Because the change in the soil mix may disturb the health and growth of your bonsai. 

Make sure that the soil mix is well-draining, because your bonsai may not be willing to sit in water for a long time. If the soil mix is slightly acidic or neutral, a pH of 6 to 6.5 can be considered the suitable soil mix for ficus bonsai.

Ginseng ficus bonsai plant trunk and dirt in white pot closeup

5. Fertilizing Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree

Most of the time bonsai trees are grown in small and shallow pots with a small amount of soil. Do not repot it frequently to disturb its growth. So, they need some additional feeding to grow healthy in the limited amount of soil. 

Use a multi-purpose liquid fertilizer diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to use organic matter to feed your ginseng ficus bonsai and continue to use the same organic matter for better growth.

6. Temperature and Humidity

Your Ginseng ficus bonsai thrives in humid conditions. Although, it may not dry quickly due to the waxy layer on the leaves. It is better if you use a humidity tray(a tray filled with water, under the bonsai tree pot) for your young plant in dry environments. 

Your bonsai may not be willing to stay outdoors as it cannot tolerate direct sunlight for hours. But I like outdoor trips once in a while. The suitable temperature for the Ginseng ficus bonsai tree is 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Indoor care for Ginseng Ficus bonsai

Ginseng ficus bonsai can be grown indoors with proper care. As the plant cannot tolerate high temperatures, it is often seen indoors. But, it should not be left indoors all the time. You can bring them outdoors in the mornings and evenings in the summer. 

This plant needs a lot of sunlight, so always place it in an area that gets more light in your home. If you cannot provide it with 4-6 hours of sunlight, then use plant lights to let it survive.

8. Pruning Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree

The crucial part of making a bonsai is pruning. Prune your ginseng ficus bonsai from time to time to maintain its shape and reduce its height. The best rule for pruning the leaves is to cut ¼ of the newly grown leaves. 

It is better to avoid pruning the trunk of the bonsai for a year to improve its thick and strong structure. If the new shoots are growing from the trunk, you can prune them by using a sharp cutter. You should also sanitize the cutter before using it to avoid fungal growth or some other diseases.

9. Wiring Ginseng Ficus

Use annealed copper wire for training your ginseng ficus bonsai. Wiring should be done with proper care, as it may cause some Socrates to your tree and may finally lead to some diseases. You can successfully bend the younger branches as they are flexible, but you will need a thick wire to bend the trunk. 

Do not wind the tree very tightly and do not rewind the wire after you achieve the desired shape, just cut the wire carefully to remove the wiring. The Ficus tree allows you to fuse different stems of it. Fusing two or more trees is possible in the case of Ginseng ficus trees.

10. Potting and Repotting

You will need a shallow and wide pot to plant the ginseng ficus plant as the shallow pot allows us to see the growth of aerial roots. Make sure it has a proper drainage system.

Repot your bonsai ginseng ficus tree if the roots have filled the pot. Trim the delicate roots and dried roots from the root system while repotting. Also, provide fresh soil mix for your bonsai. But the ratio of the soil mix and the organic matter should be the same. 

Always use the same type of organic matter. The best time for repotting is the spring season. However, you can also repot your bonsai in autumn. Use a bigger pot compared to the old one. Furthermore, clean the new pot and let it completely dry before filling it with soil.

11. Common diseases and pests

Although the figs are pest resistant, you should check the bonsai whether any pests or diseases bother your Ginseng ficus bonsai or not. Given below are some of the situations that can occur to this bonsai tree:

  • Over-watering may bring problems like root rot or other fungal diseases. It may also lead to leaf-fall. So, water the bonsai as per its water requirements.
  • Underwater will result in discoloration of leaves and shabby leaves.
  • You may also notice mildew or black and white fungi on different parts of your bonsai. If this happens, you should first prune the affected areas and then repot them. Use fungicides if required.
  • Overexposure to the sun may cause dark spots on the foliage. So, do not leave the bonsai outdoors for a long time, if the temperature is more than normal.
  • Discoloration of foliage may also be caused by spider mites. Use organic mite killer to avoid this problem.
  • If you place your bonsai indoors, mealy bugs or scale insects may cause sticky white dots on the foliage. Avoid them by pruning and proper care.

Benefits of growing Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree

There are a lot of benefits to growing a Ginseng ficus bonsai tree at home. Some of these benefits I have mentioned below:

  • This tree acts as a natural air filter in your home. It reduces the effect of chemical pollutants present in the air.
  • It acts as a herbal stress reducer.
  • It can be consumed to improve the immunity system. 
  • Hormonal imbalance can be treated by consuming this.
  • It also helps to avoid breast cancer.
  • It helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It also helps to avoid cold, cough, sore throat, and fatigue.
  • Chinese use ginseng ficus as a herbal remedy for many problems.


Q1. Does a bonsai Ginseng ficus bonsai tree need direct sunlight?

Ans. Ginseng Ficus does not enjoy direct sunlight. Although, it loves being in warm conditions.

Q2. How fast does the ginseng ficus bonsai tree grow?

Ans. They are fast-growing trees. These grow fast in tropical and sub-tropical areas. They can grow up to 25 feet in a decade. 

Q3. How big does a ginseng ficus bonsai tree get?

Ans. A mature Bonsai Ginseng Ficus tree has a height of up to 31-36 cm.

Q4. How often should we water the Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree?

Ans. Water your ginseng ficus bonsai tree every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer. In autumn and the rainy season, the watering frequency must be reduced. 

Q5. How long does a ginseng plant live?

Ans. With proper care, it may live up to 30- 50 years.

Q6. How to care for ginseng?

Ans. Let your plant live in warm and moist conditions. Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight. But, it needs a lot of indirect sunlight. Always mist it, as it loves being misted.

Q7. Why are leaves falling off my indoor ficus ginseng?

Ans. Your bonsai ginseng ficus tree may lose its leaves during the change of seasons. Change in humidity and temperature in your home( it may be due to a change in season), may lead to foliage falling in your ginseng ficus bonsai tree.

Q8. Why is growing ginseng illegal in some places?

Ans. As the method of harvesting wild ginseng ficus involves digging its roots, it is strictly avoided in the US and some states and thus it is considered to be illegal.

Q9. Is ginseng easy to grow?

Ans. Yes, we can grow Ginseng ficus bonsai at home easily, but we should be patient. It may take more time to grow.

Q10. Can I grow ginseng in my backyard?

Ans. Yes, it can be grown anywhere, if you follow the above care tips that I have mentioned.

Q11. Where should I place my bonsai tree at home?

Ans. It is better to place your ginseng ficus bonsai on the right side of a south-facing window. This place may get the maximum light, which helps in the growth of your ginseng ficus bonsai.

Q12. What is ficus ginseng used for?

Ans. Chinese believe that Yang ginseng(Chinese call ginseng as yang ginseng) helps to increase immunity. You can either be in contact with them or consume them. The Bonsai Ginseng ficus tree also helps to reduce mental stress.

Q13. What does a ginseng tree symbolize?

Ans. As it is a long-living tree, it symbolizes good health and long life.

Q14. How to save dying ficus ginseng?

Ans. If your plant is not completely dead then prune all the affected parts and then repot it. Fertilize the soil and follow the above care tips to revive your bonsai ginseng ficus tree.

Q15. Are these plants toxic?

Ans. Keep this plant out of reach of your pets as the ginseng ficus have toxic properties. Animals should not consume their leaves.


To conclude, the Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree is an easy-growing, low-care, and beginner-friendly bonsai. The strong and dark bark gives you immense joy and positivity which also symbolizes long life and good health. It enhances the look of your home with its striking appearance. 

Also, note that it has some toxic properties and can be dangerous for your pets. 

I suggest you bring home ginseng ficus bonsai and show off your creativity to the visitors when they come to your home just like me. All you have to do is show some love, be attentive whenever it is needed, care for it and enjoy having it in your home.

Also, if you like this article, please comment down below, let me know if you need more information about ginseng ficus bonsai, and don’t forget to follow us on social media!

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